Source: directives/main-menu.js

'use strict';

 * @name keta.directives.MainMenu
 * @author Jan Uhlmann <>
 * @copyright Kiwigrid GmbH 2014-2015
 * @module keta.directives.MainMenu
 * @description
 * <p>
 *   Main menu with marking of currently active menu-entry. The menu can be nested (maximum 3 levels) with automatic
 *   expand/fold functionality.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   The optional property toggleBroadcast is used to execute events from the $rootScope. For example
 *   if the menu is inside an opened sidebar the event is used to close
 *   the sidebar (if the current path-route is the same as in the clicked link).
 * </p>
 * @example
 * &lt;div data-keta-main-menu data-configuration="menuConfiguration" data-title-callback="getAppTitle"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
 * @example
 * angular.module('exampleApp', ['keta.directives.MainMenu', 'keta.directives.Sidebar'])
 *     .controller('ExampleController', function($scope, ketaSidebarConfig) {
 *         // menu object to use as input for directive
 *         $scope.menuConfiguration = {
 *             items: [{
 *                 name: 'Dashboard',
 *                 link: '/dashboard',
 *                 icon: 'signal'
 *             }, {
 *                 name: 'Applications',
 *                 icon: 'th-large',
 *                 items: [{
 *                     name: 'Application 1',
 *                     link: '/applications/1'
 *                 }, {
 *                     name: 'All Apps',
 *                     items: [{
 *                         name: 'Application 2',
 *                         link: '/applications/2'
 *                     }, {
 *                         name: 'Application 3',
 *                         link: '/applications/3'
 *                     }]
 *                 }]
 *             }],
 *             compactMode: false,
 *             toggleBroadcast: ketaSidebarConfig.EVENT.TOGGLE_SIDEBAR_LEFT
 *         };
 *         // return app-title depending on current language
 *         $scope.getAppTitle = function() {
 *             return 'My App';
 *         };
 *     });

angular.module('keta.directives.MainMenu', [])
	.directive('ketaMainMenu', function MainMenuDirective($location, $rootScope) {
		return {
			restrict: 'EA',
			replace: true,
			scope: {
				configuration: '=',
				titleCallback: '=?'
			templateUrl: '/components/directives/main-menu.html',
			link: function(scope) {

				scope.titleCallback = scope.titleCallback || function() {
					return '';

				var checkPaths = function checkPaths(currentMenuLevelParts, locationLevelParts, activeFlag) {
					for (var i = 1; i < currentMenuLevelParts.length; i++) {
						if (currentMenuLevelParts[i] !== locationLevelParts[i]) {
							activeFlag = false;
					return activeFlag;

				scope.isActive = function(menuEntry) {
					var currentMenuLevelParts ='/');
					var locationLevelParts = $location.path().split('/');
					var isActive = true;

					// Menu-entries with sub-entries have another active-class
					// to visualize the breadcrumb-path (in normal menu mode, see function isActiveParent)
					if (angular.isArray(menuEntry.items) && menuEntry.items.length > 0) {
						return false;

					isActive = checkPaths(currentMenuLevelParts, locationLevelParts, isActive);
					return isActive;

				scope.isActiveParent = function(menuEntry) {
					var currentMenuLevelParts ='/');
					var locationLevelParts = $location.path().split('/');
					var isActiveParent = false;

					if (angular.isArray(menuEntry.items) && menuEntry.items.length > 0) {
						isActiveParent = true;
						isActiveParent = checkPaths(currentMenuLevelParts, locationLevelParts, isActiveParent);
					return isActiveParent;

				scope.checkExpand = function(menuEntry, $event) {

					var menuLink =;

					// strip '#' at beginning if present
					if (angular.isString(menuLink) &&
						menuLink.substr(0, 1) === '#') {
						menuLink = angular.copy(menuLink.substr(1, menuLink.length - 1));

					// close sidebar when route links of current route and menu entry are equal
					if ($location.url() === menuLink &&
						angular.isDefined(scope.configuration.toggleBroadcast)) {

					if (angular.isArray(menuEntry.items) && menuEntry.items.length > 0) {
						// prevent route-redirect when clicking an expand-menu-entry
						if (angular.isUndefined(menuEntry.expanded) || menuEntry.expanded === false) {
							menuEntry.expanded = true;
						} else {
							menuEntry.expanded = !menuEntry.expanded;

